**** Cyborg Central ****

Old Androids Never Die, They Just Have A Few Screws Loose

Archive for the ‘Site’ Category

Joining The Federation?

So I've added a plug-in to CC to allow follows and comments from fediverse posters, i.e. Mastodon and the like. The plug-in is still in beta, so it might not work perfectly yet, but you should be able to follow me at @browren@www.cyborgcentral.net. I might also stand up a Mastodon server, if it appears to […]

A Short Note To Australian News Sites

To whom it may concern: I will link to whatever website I want, quote your pages, and I will not pay you a red cent for doing so. URLs are facts, not creative works, and cannot be copyrighted. Quoting someone else's creative work is Fair Use. But this is all beside the point; if you […]

Kiwi IRC added

There is now an (open access!) Kiwi IRC setup at www.cyborgcentral.net:8888 that you can use to get to my IRC server and any others you might want in the same tab on your browser. The client will default to CC's IRC. Just pick a nick (you mean big dick) and hop on in.


Everything being served on CC is now 100% 64-bit code. (yeah I know, but if it ain't broke...) Also, Kanboard was discarded in favor of an integrated kanban board system, since nobody else is using it.


I moved CC into a container, and finally took down the ancient Vaio server that was supporting the old setup. Quite a run for a Pentium 4 from 2002!