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Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

The Actual Taste Of Nothingburger

Source: Vermont US Attorney won't file charges against Jane Sanders in Burlington College case Remember how Bernie was so totally questionable of a candidate since his wife was accused of some horrible bullshit scandal involving the college she was in charge of and a land purchase? Funny how these things never seem to make it […]

Sigh x 2

Democrats, in 2018: Who cares if Robert Bowers hated Trump or not, he's completely behind GOP ideals! Democrats, in 2016: Bernie Sanders isn't a REAL democrat.


Democrats have learned absolutely nothing from their loss to Trump. Just hoping that he pisses people off enough to make them vote for you isn't a strategy.

Like We Can’t Just Make More

The Texas GOP used the police to silence this person's freedom of speech for putting up this 100% understandable and true picture: The cops may be able to steal the original, but they can't stop it from being reproduced. Here are cleaned-up printable versions. Print them out and hang them EVERYWHERE.


I seem to have underestimated the depths to which trumpies will sink. I've been banned from FB for a day for "hate speech" - which yes, I assume my post does look like if read, without context. Of course the trumpie can be racist as fuck and get away with it, no ban and the […]