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Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

The Most American Thing That Has Ever Happened

To be fair, this is the most American boomer thing possible, but it does tell you everything you need to know about our self-dealing, corrupt, and utterly heartless government under the worstest generation. Listen to a reading of this article: ??- We are once again witnessing history being made, folks. Today, in the Year of […]


gamers be like "NFTs are a scam!!111" right before they blow $372.48 tryna pull Raiden Shogun and bumming an hour on your charger because their phone is at 3%

A Short Note To Australian News Sites

To whom it may concern: I will link to whatever website I want, quote your pages, and I will not pay you a red cent for doing so. URLs are facts, not creative works, and cannot be copyrighted. Quoting someone else's creative work is Fair Use. But this is all beside the point; if you […]

Wish It Were Different

If it proves nothing else, this pandemic has demonstrated that people aren't really dying from sickness, they're actually dying because there's not enough dollars, and people refuse to work together without dollars being involved. We could be making enough masks and ventilators. We could be graduating doctors, training nurses, building hospitals. We could be doing […]


I'm going to write some code to analyze Twitter, and see if the "Bernie Bro" is genuinely worse than any other toxic user on the site. Follow my work here. If you'd like to contribute, please contact me!

Politics Are Disgusting

Today has been a nasty week. Between a two-day running argument with a group calling themselves "Anarcho-Capitalists" ending in the revelation that a rape victim in their utopia would have to self-fund her own justice, and listening to someone I normally trust go hardline-centrist for no apparent reason, I am mentally exhausted already. This "ancap" […]

UTA, eh?

I'm not sure calling it the "Clinton Machine" is right, as they are not necessarily the rulers of the group, but they're certainly part of it.Michal Kives, former talent agency executive, shows us how to rig it with style . . . Source: Here's Wiki-Proof that the Clinton Machine Was Behind the Flood of New Democratic Presidential Hopefuls […]