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Old Androids Never Die, They Just Have A Few Screws Loose

Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Helpful Information

HOA MOD (n.): A moderator of a social media site, who uses enforcement of appearance rules as a tool to bully users and assert control over other people's words. Attacks are targeted, repeated, over-reaching enforcement of content rules against specific users, usually with a veneer of "nice" wording to give the attacks plausible deniability. An […]

Propaganda is Everywhere

In a recent bout of thoughtlessness, I dared to respond to a George Takei post, that spoke of voting "not being a marriage" - presumably, in the interests of convincing leftists that it's really totally completely fine to support a centrist. Of course this is complete hypocrisy, given Mr. Takei's (and most liberals) tendency to […]

LTT is the Fox News of Tech Journalism

I've had Linus Sebastian and his entire media group blocked for well over a year, now, following his completely bullshit and braindead "hey, let's exploit this known PopOS Steam installation bug for views!" but if you gave him a pass for it, you might want to reconsider. Not only does GN go through several examples […]

“Mastodon is Boring”

The source of Twitter's utility is its advertising algorithm, its ability to put words in front of people who are interested in things - but not interested enough to actively seek those things out, and who might not even know what to search for. It's easy to throw a few search terms into Google, but […]

Joining The Federation?

So I've added a plug-in to CC to allow follows and comments from fediverse posters, i.e. Mastodon and the like. The plug-in is still in beta, so it might not work perfectly yet, but you should be able to follow me at @browren@www.cyborgcentral.net. I might also stand up a Mastodon server, if it appears to […]


I don't think I'll be moving to any other social media site if/when Twitter catches fire, and I'm not really all that interested in being "followed" - if you like reading the things I write sometimes, consider installing an RSS reader and subscribing to the CC feed. Feel free to register and leave comments if […]

Twitter Quitter?

Twitter has been acquired by a billionaire centrist, who many right-wingers think will "clean up" the place. Good for them, I say. The quicker people come to realize that social media run by the wealthy and corporations is by definition going to be a propaganda center, the better. When Elon Musk first tried to purchase […]

Why we’re leaving the cloud

It strikes me as downright tragic that this decentralized wonder of the world is now largely operating on computers owned by a handful of mega corporations. If one of the primary AWS regions go down, seemingly half the internet is offline along with it. This is not what DARPA designed! Source: Why we're leaving the […]

Stable Stranding

Oh don't mind me, I'm just dicking around with Stable Diffusion and getting it to generate a Death Stranding 2 cast pulled directly out of my butt This AI is simply amazing - turning out fully-rendered realistic 3D artwork off nothing but my laptop's NVidia GPU, based on prompting. And it KNOWS things, like what […]


gamers be like "NFTs are a scam!!111" right before they blow $372.48 tryna pull Raiden Shogun and bumming an hour on your charger because their phone is at 3%