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Old Androids Never Die, They Just Have A Few Screws Loose

Archive for January, 2020

Politics Are Disgusting

Today has been a nasty week. Between a two-day running argument with a group calling themselves "Anarcho-Capitalists" ending in the revelation that a rape victim in their utopia would have to self-fund her own justice, and listening to someone I normally trust go hardline-centrist for no apparent reason, I am mentally exhausted already. This "ancap" […]

Oops, sorry coach, I missed the shot

So, gruesome but (maybe) amusing thought: You know how back in gym class, if you didn't want to participate, it was easiest to get out of it by being really, really bad at the sport and getting your team angry at you by playing badly? Wonder how well that would work at a gun range....

Sometimes, I don’t know why I bother

So here we have the GLUON robot arm kickstarter, which looked like a pretty damn cool toy at an amazing price. Of course, it was too good to be true, and yet another kickstarter ends up being ruined with no recourse and no explanation from anyone involved. This officially puts my Kickstarter record at more […]


Don't believe the nasty stereotypes about male gamers being pigs? Try reading the chat during a woman's yoga stream on Twitch.