Bionic done, maybe Cybernetic Cymric next
CC was updated to the new Ubuntu release 18.04, Bionic Beaver. In 3 weeks my first live patch release will come out on the 'beave. Let's hope I'm not too hard on him.
Old Androids Never Die, They Just Have A Few Screws Loose
CC was updated to the new Ubuntu release 18.04, Bionic Beaver. In 3 weeks my first live patch release will come out on the 'beave. Let's hope I'm not too hard on him.
I envision a world where everyone has guaranteed basic access to food, healthcare, shelter, knowledge, and equal protection under the law; a world where capitalism is a sport rather than a tool of enslavement; and a world where arbitrary boundaries like races and countries do not exist. NONE of us are pure anything.
Running the lights for a school bus should carry a death sentence.